Our Technologies

LEOS has various development experiences in optical systems for ground optical observation and optical payload for satellite, and has developed optical systems for satellite laser tracking system( SLR - Satellite Laser Ranging ) operated by KASI for the first time in Korea.

The main business items of LEOS are wavefront sensors and optical wavefront correction modules for atmospheric turbulence correction called Adaptive Optics. Applications of these technologies include laser wireless optical communication(FSOC - Free Space Optical Communication), wavefront distortion correction of high-power laser beam, and wavefront correction for long-distance surveillance and reconnaissance optics.  In particular, Extended-source based optical wavefront sensor developed by LEOS has the feature of extracting optical wavefront information from all detectable images.


ⓒ 2024 레오스전자광학시스템

Tel. 010-8803-5442 | Fax. 0504-005-5442 | jknah@leoskorea.com
Daejeon, Korea ㅣ Biz License 354-39-00886